Loving Energy

£69.00 inc. VAT

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Unlimited edition product… We all need it!

With all the UK riots today that are going on. It is apparent we all need a little more loving energy in our lives. Maybe from when we were kids, maybe now, maybe later on in our/or our children’s lives. We all need something to love, and be loved by. After all in the universal consciousness there is no good and bad, Just free will. On the flip side, if there is such a thing, there isn’t any good without bad… Ying & Yang. There must be one for the other to exist. Hence our ‘£69’ pricing. Do with this information as you must.

However, remember everything is just a matter of opinion. If it rains – ‘one person is happy, as his grass will grow, and the other is devastated as their house is flooded. If it’s sunny one will get a nice tan and another will burn! All a matter of perspective, it is us as individuals that give it the meaning.

In the end, we are all just a vibrational loving frequency. Some lost along the way, others misled by the lost! Some damaged by the misled and the rest trapped in between as slaves to the system and actors in the pantomime. The question is ‘what are you going to do about it’? We are putting this out as a beacon to help you all understand our perspective on life.

If we can learn to teach we can all eat forever! Sticks and stones will break your bones – but learning will never hurt you! Just because the UK riots today or something that is perceived to be bad, is happening now, it doesn’t mean another perceived good will come out of it down the line from delayed gratification. Problem, Reaction, Solution! PRS… 2 wrongs won’t make The UK riots today right, will it!

Share knowledge, share love and share the rewards!

Stand up and shine your light with our loving energy hybrid cover.  Brand your bag with the loving energy to show you are a decent human being with loving intentions! You could make a difference one day if you just tried. Take this mindset add it into your values, share it with others and eventually the world will be come a better place. Krave love, krave life, krave learning… krave the journey!

  • Unlimited Edition Hybrid Cover – Love is for all, we won’t limit that!



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